Friday, June 17, 2011

Beautiful Carla!

Speaking of beautiful daughters - Carla you are so striking in these photographs! Thank you for allowing me to capture your S FActor Fabulous workout. I look forward to the Portrait Days we have scheduled for the Chicago S FActor studio on friday, July 8th and Saturday, 9th. Sign-up with the studio ladies and have your lovely curves captured on film to give as a give to your beloved, or yourself!

Thanks again, Carla - You are a true beauty!
- Jennifer

'You are altogether beautiful, my darling;
there is no flaw in you.'

- Song of Solomon 4:7

If you need a little lift today check out this encouraging book in the Bible. Song of Solomon had so much to say about how much God adores His daughters.
'You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride;
you have stolen my heart' - 4:9

It is my ambition today to steal my husband's heart and the Lord's heart by speaking kindly and patiently to our daughters, and giving encouraging words to people I meet today - including other drivers! Give yourself a lift today - check out what God has to say to you in the Songs of Solomon!